21 Golden Rules of Entrepreneurship

Jason Nazar, the co founder and CEO of Docstoc.com has a very informative video for entrepreneurs on YouTube called 21 Golden Rules of Entrepreneurship some of my favorites rules from the video are

-I'll see it when I believe it
As an entrepreneur you first need to believe in yourself and that can accomplish what you set out for otherwise how will you be able to sell your ideas to anyone else. You can make your entrepreneurial dreams reality if you truely believe in them.

-Sell yourself
As a marketing major and hairstylist this is so very important. People are investing in you the individual. So consider yourself a brand, make yourself preferred over the competition.

-What's you why
So many people i run into simply just want to be their own boss when the truth is they simply do not  want to work. You have to have some sort of passion or motivation for what you are doing.

-Ideas don't matter execution does
People come up with great ideas every day. Many fail to make those ideas a reality and some that attempt their ideas with no clear plan to go about accomplishing those ideas


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