Are You An Entrepreneur?

As an entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur how would differentiate an individual who is an entrepreneur versus a business owner, or are they one in the same. There are clear differences between the two. Most business owner are content with having a stable income and being in control of their own time. Entrepreneurs however are forward thinkers who are willing to take risks, have specific goals they would like to achieve that will ultimately help grow their financial wealth.  

Below is a chart that helps you identify some of the differences between being a business owner and and entrepreneur. 

Objectives  & Views
Small Business OwnerEntrepreneur
1. Primary MotivationTo Make a LivingTo Make a Change and Impact
2. Personal Financial GoalRegular IncomeExit Value of Company
3. Career ObjectiveSelf-EmploymentFinancial Freedom
4. Financing StrategySBA or Bank LoansInvestors
5. Business StrategyCreating More SalesProviding Value
6. View of AssetsReal Estate and InventoryEmployees & Customers
7. Risk Taking ProfileStabilityWilling To Fail
8. Employee CompensationMarket Rate or BelowWill Pay for Top Talent
9. Work EnvironmentExtension of Owner’s HomeFast Paced and Growth Focused
10. Investment ProfileMain Investor/Owner of CompanyInvestor/Involvement in Different Businesses
11. Daily ActionsDay to Day ManagerStrategy, Growth and Collaboration
12. Work StyleLong-Term and Enjoys Repetitive TasksShort-Term and a Serial Innovator/Inventor

Those business owners that desire being and entrepreneur it can be achieved you just have develop a plan and execute it. There are so many individual that come up with great ideas daily but fail to turn those ideas into a business success. 

A child from Marysville, Ohio took one of his ideas an ran with it.

Pictured below is Hart Main who started selling scented candles for men at the age of 13. Main's idea to start his business came to him when his sister was participating in a  fundraiser that  was selling candles that catered to girls. Main made a suggestion that "men scented" candles would be pretty neat idea. His business started with $100 dollars he earned from a paper route $200 investment from his parents.

Hart Main, founder of ManCans
Hart Main, founder of ManCans
Photos © natalie brasington

If reading about Hart Main's simple idea that he turned into a profitable business does inspire you to be more proactive in creating your own success read about other young business minds who saw needs that their creative businessminds could help solve.


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