
You Can Learn To Be The Next Steve Jobs: Nine Ways To Become A Visionary

This innovation article was found online it talks of how you can create a process to become an innovative individual. Being an innovative person is not a trait  you have to be born with it can be learned. To be innovative you definitely have to look outside the box. Those who are innovative tend to live lives that are non routine. Innovators look at things differently always looking towards the future and whats next not so focused on the past, they create their own paths. These type of leaders surround themselves with a mixture of different individuals so they can see other views and nurture their creative minds. If you surround yourself with the same type of people with the same daily routines how will you be able tho grow as an individual. You must not be afraid to venture out into new social activities.

Tips on Being Innovative
  • Research your market and potential customers.
  • Study the current market trends.
  • Look at what your competition is doing.
  • Consider Investing in research and development.
  • Review existing business and evaluate areas that can be improved.
  • Brainstorm your ideas.
  • Create a plan of actions.
  • Never give up. 


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